27 May 2006

INFO: Welcome Back, Omar

It was right around this time three years ago, fresh off my stepping away from the poetry slam scene, that my friend Omar lured me back into reading comics. I needed a new outlet for my writing and he and another friend of ours, former CBC-contributor Stephen Maher, had come up with an idea for a fan fiction site and invited me to contribute. I thought it was a cool idea at the time, but not having read comics in years, I figured I should refamiliarize myself with Batman and Moon Knight (the two characters I was most interested in writing about) before setting pen to paper. Or fingers to keyboard, I guess.

One thing led to another, and though I never ended up sticking my toes into the (unbeknownst to me at the time) much derided waters of fan fiction (Bendis and Johns excepted, I guess), I did get hooked on reading comics again. The rest, as they say, is Google cached history.

Omar had a brief run here on the blog awhile back, with a series of snarky Top 5 lists, including Top 5 Most Annoying Companies/Imprints and Top 5 Superheroes Who I'd Like To Make Me A Sandwich, plus the infrequent review roundup. Because he's apparently not busy enough with being an actor these days, he's decided to get back to doing comics reviews and Dan and I are happy to have him back. The question is, will you be?

Stay tuned...


Mark Fossen said...

I went - and went often - to the Chicago Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind back in the early 90's. Still about my favorite theatre experiences of all time ... you're a good man, Omar. And a lucky one.

Omar said...


If you are ever in NYC, you should swing on by! It really is a great time. Even when I'm not performing, I go pretty much every two or three weeks.
